We all have our lifting preferences, whether it be training a single muscle group at a time, a few at a time, half of them in a workout, or even all of…
If there is one thing that unifies many of us when it comes to our workout plans, it is that we are not drinking enough water. Water is a critical part of…
If itâs true that a pro boxer punches harder than an MMA fighter, whatâs the major difference in their (punch) training?
A series of combos and boxing techniques to help you setup your left hook. Many boxers know how to throw a great left hook but for some reason never learned how to…
Sending you our warmest wishes for what will be a rather unusual holiday season. May 2021 be a year of happiness, prosperity, and most importantly, good health.
To our loyal combat community, These are unprecedented times we are living in. The health and safety of our athletes, employees, fans, and teammates are of paramount importance. Francombat is committed to the…
Francombat Fight Gloves are one of the best choices I would recommend. They are made with high quality and standards, which is exactly what you should be striving for when it comes to…
Quebec has a long history of hosting combat sports events but a peek into their legal framework reveals that the sport of MMA is not actually legal but instead the sport of…
After years of turning a blind eye to illegal kickboxing and occasionally shutting down events when enough complaints were launched, the Province of Quebec has become the latest to exercise their powers under…
When people try to lose weight, the first thing they think of doing is cardio. Many of those never try doing anything else, but just go to gym because of treadmill. Also,…
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